Monday, November 3, 2008

Simple Woman's Day Book

FOR TODAY, Monday, November 3, 2008
Outside My Window...pitch black darkness at 7:48. I hate the time change.
I am thinking...about the future of our great nation on the eve of the presidential election.
I am thankful for...a college education. I turned in my substitute application today and in every school I visited the secretary asked me, "Are you certified?" To which I could reply, "Yes, I am." That was a good feeling. I felt employable (is that a word?), and it renewed my commitment to keep my teaching licence current. You can substitute teach without a teaching license, but certified teachers with classroom experience are more in demand. I am also thankful that before the end of the year, we will have paid off my student loan. It only took us eight years! I'm sure Dave Ramsey would be horrified. I'm pretty horrified, myself. EIGHT YEARS in bondage to Sallie Mae for one stinking semester! And it was my student teaching semester! I was working and paying them for the privilege. AUGHH!!!!
From the kitchen...Pretty messy. Cluttered counters, full sink, and a few treat bags from Friday.
I am wearing...PJ's
I am creating...not much. I did some scrapbooking this weekend. Which reminds me, all blog readers withing driving distance are invited to a crop on November 14th and 15th at our church.
I am going...absolutely nowhere. According to Dave, I'm not going anywhere for a VERY, VERY long time. But when we are debt free? Oh yeah, baby, the world is my oyster.
I am reading...The Trumpet Of the Swan (kid's bedtime chapter book), blogs, and not much else.
I am hoping...for the Spirit to work in my oldest daughter. She is passed the age when I accepted Christ. Older than her brother was when he was baptized. She isn't even showing a hunger for spiritual things, and maybe that is what concerns me the most. About a month ago, I drew her aside, and said that I hoped she would truly start to listen with her heart during service, and that if she had any questions, her daddy or I would be happy to answer them. But nothing has come from that. I don't know if I should say more or wait for her.
I am hearing...Randy's hacking cough from the sickness mat. He is still puny. Poor guy.
One of my favorite things...I'm sure I've posted this before, but I have an ongoing love affair with hot chocolate.
Around the house...every piece of bed linen has been puked on, washed, dried, aired, and placed back on the beds at least once. Several sofa cushions will never be the same. This being the first time ever, Randy has had the stomach virus, he has not been schooled in the fine art of MAKING IT TO THE POTTY.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The that I have that application turned in, I'm pretty free. We have family pictures on Saturday, so I have to put the finishing touches on our coordinating photography wardrobe.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Big Papa and little Princess take a snooze together.

This meme brought to you by: Simple Woman's Daybook

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