1. Have you had to say goodbye to a good friend or lover because they were moving?
My, my, my. I really like Saturday Nine posts, but sometimes the questions just make me blush. You can certainly tell they were not authored by a little ol' fashioned backwoods Baptist girl. Ahem. My freshman year in highschool a close friend of mine moved away and I was devastated. Her father was a minister and he took a new church in another part of the state. Ironically, I remember thinking how I could never do that to my children. Hmmm...
And as for the other, I've only had one, and whither he goest, I shall go.
2. Have you ever wanted to use personal information about someone to sort of "blackmail" them? If yes, tell us about it.
As a young child, I did this routinely with my little sister. But I find even the thought of it detestable now.
3. What two things influenced the choice of your present job or to stay at home?
Opportunity and spouse's encouragement (insistence?)
4. Do you like warm weather? How warm does it get where you live? What is the best way to spend a hot, summer day?
I don't like to sweat, but I like a great many of the activities that come with warm weather. It gets HOT here. 95 today with a heat index of over 100, and the weather man was telling us to enjoy our "break" in the heat. The best way to spend a hot summer day is at the lake.
5. What do you find "hot" in a man/woman? What is the first thing you notice about someone who is hot? Do you ever think of yourself as hot?
Awww, shucks, I'm blushing again. If we can steer clear of the term "hot" I think I can answer this question. First thing I notice is eyes and smile and I've always been partial to short stocky build. Give me a man with some meat on him. I do occasionally think of myself as attractive--following a trip to the salon, a new outfit, a flattering photograph--but have not thought of myself as the other word since my go-go boots and Lycra days.
6. Are you quick to anger? How do you react when you are angry or frustrated? What do you do to cool down?
Yes. If I am really truly angry, I will cry. Is that crazy or what? And I usually recite scripture to cool down. "Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry"....sing with me...
7. In your family, who is the least like the rest of you?
In the family I grew up in, it would be my older sister. She always did see things differently. But she is more like us now than she was growing up.
8. What are a few great books that you've taken along to the beach or on vacation in years past? If you aren't a big reader, what do you do to while away the lazy hours?
I always take a few good Christian historical romance and something aimed at improving my life or the effectiveness thereof when on vacation. I wouldn't say the Christian romances are great works of literature, but when you are on vacation, you deserve a little mind candy. I took a novel by Traci Paterson on this last trip and a book entitled--please don't laugh-- "You Can Double Your Class in Two Years."
9. Do you like going outside during a thunderstorm and watching the lightening?