Sunday, January 3, 2010

Institute the Tithe

Last Sunday, we were visiting my mom and dad, and we went to church with them on Sunday morning. At my home church, the interim pastor--an older gentleman--preached a quintessential Baptist sermon. Of course, he touched on the topic of tithing (as well as drinking, dancing, vulgar language, and the evils of wild women), commenting that if every member tithed, the church's various funds would be funded, and they would have to hold an emergency finance committee meeting to determine what to do with the excess.


I know D*ve R*msey, among others, recommends giving your children a regular allowance so that they may practice money management and giving at an early age. We've never been very successful with that. For one thing, five children on allowance would require a lot more wiggle room in our budget than we have heretofore possessed. Also, I dislike paying my children for doing chores around the house. I'm not sure why-I know many families do and I can totally see the logic in it--but it never set right with me. However, the master and I do tithe off of our income and it is definitely something we want to instill in our children.
We have a non-conventional way of teaching the concept of tithing here in the S____ house. One of those things that sort of happened, not something we read about in a parenting book. But I have evidence this week that it is working, so I will pass it along.
I guess it developed out of our frugality (or poverty, however you want to look at it), but I refuse to spend money on a plate of food for the baby when we eat out, and sometimes, there just isn't quite enough of a certain dish or item to go around at home. In these instances, we require the older children to "give a tithe" to the youngest child. At W*ndy's, this means a tenth of their french fries goes to Cara. After a birthday party, a tenth of their goodie bag may go to Randy. You get the idea.
On Wednesday, Abby thought there was just enough grape juice for everyone when she drained the bottle. But after we sat down, I realized that they had forgotten to fill Cara's cup. So I said, "Everyone give a tithe of juice." The children--from long habit--gladly passed their cups to K who oversaw the transfer to Cara's sippee.
As he was topping the now brimming cup and twisting on the lid, he noted, "Mom. You know, that preacher was right. If everyone gives a tithe, there is more than enough. There isn't room in her cup for more. And look! My cup has plenty. We won't even miss the little amount we gave."
Yes, it is amazing how God's way works! From multi-million dollar building funds to a toddler's sippee cup. Every time.

Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do," says the LORD Almighty, "I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won't have enough room to take it in! Try it! Let me prove it to you! Malachi 3:10 NLT


Suz said...

Jess, that's a great way to teach the kids! And hooray that they're "getting" it!

I think you should send that story in to Parent Life at Lifeway!

p.s. happy first day of Day Caring!

p.s.s. the word verification I had to type for this was "miced" I hope it's not a prophecy!!

Carla said...

Hey! Great idea! You're so innovative. Good luck on your 1st day of being a "mom/daycare director/small business owner"! Love you.

Anonymous said...

I like your idea- they see the storehouse and know where it is going.

Kelly said...

I love the "tithe" lesson! :)
My nieces and nephews are soooo sweet. Did Kingrey have a happy birthday? I'm sending something to him in the mail, but I hope we will all get to see you all soon.