Thursday, March 31, 2011

Almost convinced

The master has been talking up his new IPhone 4. The "amazing" stuff it will do and all the cool apps. I've never been into cell phones. I didn't even get one until my parents offered to add me to their family plan a little over a year ago. Since then, I've been more than content to use my mom's hand-me-down, bare basics phone--that I am notorious for forgeting to turn on or leaving behind. But sitting here in a hotel room in Houston,checking my blogs and putting up a post using a device only slightly larger than a deck of cards, I am definitely sensing a greater attraction to the cell phone world.


Lisa Stone said...

I long for an iphone! Happened upon your blog--love it!

Jenn said...

Me too sis. Never wanted one before now, but I find myself dwelling on all the cool things I could do.