Tick-Tock (recycled dinosaur costume from years ago)Tink
My man Pan
Tiger Lilly (Is she not the cutest thing you have ever seen?!)
The expense of the last three costumes counter balance the economy of the first two. I had to go to the party store and make painful purchases--even though it nearly killed me to spend money on costumes as simple as Peter Pan and Tiger Lilly. Finding a perfectly good Pan costume in Goodw*ll this morning only poured salt in the wounds. Oh, well, I simply did not have the time this year to sew them all.
And this is the first year K did not dress up. I'm pretty sad about that. Where was the Pixie dust to protect him from growing up?
Great job! - as always! The costumes look great. Even though you had to spend money, at least this year you weren't down to the last minute, wondering if you were going to get through with one or maybe even more costumes, swearing to yourself that you weren't going to do this next year. Sound familiar?
So sorry to hear about K not participating this year. I remember his first lion costume that was just TOO cute.
I absolutely appreciate your undying committment to family-wide thematic attire!!! For years!!!
(I was ready to do cat wiskers and a fiddle, but I couldn't get Philip to agree to the church socks pinned to the skull cap in order to be the little dog who laughed to see such sport.) (rats!)
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